Through the Back Loop

Adventures in knitting, fiber arts, and family.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

It's Been Awhile... But There Has Been Knitting

Besides the chemo caps that I have made for John....


John's chemo cap

I have also been working on some toddler socks, 2 needle mittens to teach the girls at summer camp this year (Anna got the "test" mittens), some mittens for my oldest daughter, and now I have yarn to make John some summer caps to replace the old faded ones from years ago.

In the wings are two gifts that I can't mention here, but I can say that I was worried about the pattern. I could only find part of the pattern, but thanks to Ravelry..... I found friends who had the book and they gave me the basic information that I will need to make the gifts. How many stitches to cast on and final measurements were all that I needed.

On Feb. 18th we got the news that John's final cancer markers were within normal limits, and they weren't recommending surgery for him right now. He won't need any more CT or PET scans until April 2009. Normally this would be great news and just today John said that most people, after facing cancer, feel happy and optimistic about life. Each day is a true gift for them and their biggest worries are behind them. For John (and me) this isn't the case. The cancer lifestyle was stressful and scary, and afterwards we should have felt even better than we did. To be honest, now the reality of our house is hitting us square between the eyes. Another massive price reduction, no people attending open houses, and a mouse eating at some of the things that were left behind. There is no moving forward for us. We fight and struggle to hold on to any thing positive.

Here she is.... our positive thing in life.....

We get to spend the weekend with her, her little sister, and our friends at Wilderness Resort, thanks to the generosity of Angel On My Shoulder. We have never been given anything like this before in my life... a three day weekend. We are very excited. We will NOT think about anything else.


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